Hingham High School Chorus
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Instruments and singing

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Instruments and singing Empty Instruments and singing

Post  AlisonGraham Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:11 pm

I play clarinet in the Concert Band at school, I am in Chamber Singers, and Concert Chorale. Going from Chamber Singers to Concert Chorale is such a huge difference because of the guys. But, the biggest difference for me is going from chorus to band. When I walk into band during my day, I think about what we do in chorus everyday. Sometimes, Mr. Cincotta even has us sing, like today we played our scale, sang it, and then played it again. Doing that actually helps us in band. Band is difficult sometimes but chorus can be a challenge too. I'm not saying band is harder than chorus but there's a lot of thinking involved in both. In band, we mainly have to think about the fingering, the pitch and the sound. It's the same in chorus but not the fingering. I think that I benefit from being in both band and chorus, mainly because I'm basically learning the same thing twice a day which means it sinks in a little better. I think that if we have a band/chorus/orchestra get together during the year then it will be exciting for all of us. The band and orchestra kids can teach the chorus kids how to play the instruments. Also, the chorus kids can help the band and orchestra kids with singing.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-10-12

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Instruments and singing Empty Re: Instruments and singing

Post  Josi.Sisk<3 Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:43 pm

Alison you make my life seem like a walk through the park tehe


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-09-15

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