Hingham High School Chorus
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Spring Concert

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Spring Concert Empty Spring Concert

Post  katecris Mon May 07, 2012 7:23 pm

This spring concert will be my favorite of the whole year. I love the songs we are singing, especially Los Bibilicos and Steal Away, they are fun to sing and also sound really good. Even though Confetemi and Oh Swallow may not be as fun to sing, I love the sound that our chorus makes when we sing it together. With our new method of learning, we are not muddling through our notes and hoping we are doing it right, everyone knows exactly what they are doing, which makes our chorus sound unified. Our improvement in singing the right notes really shows in these two songs than in any of the other pieces, we definitely would never have been able to sing these songs at the beginning of the year. Confetemi and Oh Swallow are a different kind of fun to sing, I think I enjoy these two because of how good it feels to work together as a chorus to make a simple phrase sound so good. With the other two songs, they sound good even without the other parts. Also, I am excited for the concert not only do we get to show off how much we have improved, but to showcase some of our most talented members with the awards. Especially with the upperclassmen, picking a recipient for the awards was very difficult, and I know that there are so many people who won't get an award who deserve one as well. Even though I don't know them very well, this group of Seniors is very talented, and I am sad to see them go. They were great role models and they definitely will be missed!


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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