Hingham High School Chorus
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Chorus Council

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Chorus Council Empty Chorus Council

Post  MeghanGeorge Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:30 pm

I truly respect the chorus council members, most importantly because of the discussion we had in class today. While Mr. Young was in the lab with the freshmen boys, the rest of us were in the room. The chorus council members directed our discussion and at least attempted to keep everyone calm. (A lot of us got a little too wound up over this topic.) We had a talking stick (an expo marker). Though some thought it was pointless, I thought it was a great idea because everyone was yelling as the same time. Since they had been there with Mr. Young yesterday when this whole discussion started, they knew exactly what was going on. They were able to inform us completely because I know personally I was extremely confused about the posts on Facebook. I wasn’t necessarily upset or angry; I just did not know where it was coming from. It was nice to get to talk about it in class with fellow chorus members so we could get out our opinions, then talk calmly and respectively to Mr. Young. I admit that, at the beginning, I was not quite sure about the purpose of chorus council since chorus had functioned for so long without it. Now that we have it, though, it’s a great thing. They act as filters between students and the teacher. I don’t doubt that they will keep out disrespect in the future as successfully as they did today.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-20

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