Hingham High School Chorus
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Hingham Journal

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Hingham Journal Empty Hingham Journal

Post  LouisaBrady Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:31 am

I feel like we underestimate the power that small, local newspapers like the Hingham Journal can have. The majority of the town reads the Journal or the Patriot Ledger on a regular basis, so I think that this is a really good way for us to advertise our concerts, especially to those who don't have high school students and therefore don't keep up with HHS Chorus's activities. I know that there are a lot of adults out there who would probably love to come to the Major Works concert or Talent Expo but don't because they don't even know it's happening. Using articles in the local newspapers is a great way to spread awareness because unlike a poster hanging around town, it gives people something they can keep with all of the information right on it.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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