Hingham High School Chorus
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Friday Show/Cafeteria

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Friday Show/Cafeteria Empty Friday Show/Cafeteria

Post  LouisaBrady Mon May 28, 2012 3:40 pm

I feel like when I was a freshman there were often segments of chorus rehearsals and concerts on the Friday show. But in the recent years, I feel like chorus barely makes a dent in the content of the Friday show. The only recent-ish appearance I can think of is the Save the Males commercial and I think that that was fairly successful! Even small segments that air every few weeks or months that at least show the school what we're doing and what chorus is about can probably promote the chorus more than we realize. When I see clips on the Friday show from clubs and organizations that I'm not a part of, they usually spark at least an interest in learning more about what they do. Furthermore, I think that if we're going to put up flyers that are trying to recruit more members, the cafeteria might be the best place, because the cafeteria is one place that every student visits on a daily basis. After a while, people will realize that there are advertisements there and be more inspired to join rather than if they just glanced at a piece of paper in the hallway.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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