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All around the world

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All around the world Empty All around the world

Post  Ashley O'regan Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:50 am

Ever since the beginning of music, music has become multicultural. From all over the work different music has changed and become the popular hits we know today. When the Beatles came to the scene, rock music from Britain became very popular with such bands like the clash and the sex pistols. Then music from Spanish and Jamaican artists became popular. Today the music scene has been directed to South Korea where k-pop has been slowly rising up. In the past year, four k-pop groups have shown America what they got. Groups like 2ne1, girl’s generation, bigbang, and the wonder girls have won awards or have made their debut in America. Also with new English debut albums and world tours, I believe that k-pop will soon become the next big thing.

Ashley O'regan

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-21

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