Hingham High School Chorus
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Chamber Singers

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Chamber Singers Empty Chamber Singers

Post  jake.vandine Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:16 am

I find select ensembles to be a very unique experience. Because there are so few members on each part, all the members have to be precise with not only the notes and rhythm, but the volume, expression, and phrasing of everything. I find that Chamber Singers causes me to be more alert in mixed chorus, so I'm paying more attention to how I'm singing. I believe that select ensembles greatly help a person vocally. Also, they encourage the sense of teamwork that comes from chorus. As I mentioned before, there aren't many people to a part, so the singers have to trust each other to sing the correct notes and harmonies correctly and well. It is my opinion that select ensembles greatly enhance our singing experience both inside and outside of the ensemble, and it is also a great trust builder.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-22

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Chamber Singers Empty Chamber Singers

Post  amdurkin Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:28 pm

Being in a small ensemble isn’t fundamentally any different than being in a large ensemble. Both groups have the same goal, to sing quality music. In a large group you need to be self reliant just as much as in a smaller one. The personal responsibility in a small and large group is the same. No matter how many people there are, every member gives all their effort and carries their own weight. Being in a small versus a large ensemble, the amount of sound produced changes. My experience in Chamber singers this year has been a good learning experience. I like singing in a smaller group because it encourages me to be a leader. I know that if I don’t hold my weight than the whole chorus will be effected a whole lot more than in a larger group. Like Jake mentioned, in a small group you have to trust the people in your group to do their part so that the song runs smoothly. The more you practice at anything, the better you are going to get. Small groups are a great way to expand our musicianship so that the entire chorus will benefit.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-21

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