Hingham High School Chorus
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Chamber Singers

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Chamber Singers Empty Chamber Singers

Post  marykateleonard Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:24 pm

This year, Chamber Singers has been a great opportunity for me to develop as a musician. I really love the ensemble, as it gives me a challenge that I greatly enjoy. The smaller group is very beneficial, as it is imperative that each member sing their part strongly. The dependence that everyone has on each other is at times a bit stressful, but causes me to strive to be better so that I can pull my weight in the ensemble. Also, as I was a soprano all through middle school, singing alto was new to me last year. Being an alto in the ensemble has really helped me to learn about harmonies and learn better how to read music. Now I like to sing alto much better than I do soprano. Overall, my experience in a smaller ensemble has been a very beneficial experience.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-11-04

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