Hingham High School Chorus
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Chorus "Newbies"

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Chorus "Newbies" Empty Chorus "Newbies"

Post  samidavis<3 Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:29 pm

There are so many talented people in our chorus, many not being reconized. Yes there are people who are naturally great at singing or sight reading or whatever it is. But I think the people who should be reconized are those who did not come into chorus with those skills. The fact that some felt they couldn't even stand up in front of a class can now sing for a whole class I feel is a great acomplishment in itself. And everyone can use practice and can keep learning. Some students may not have the best singing abillity and I think thats great to have just so not everyone is perfect at dynmics or even a sinple scale. What I've seen so far is improvment in everyone and that should be reconized. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy


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Join date : 2011-11-02

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