Hingham High School Chorus
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Shoutin' it out!

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Shoutin' it out! Empty Shoutin' it out!

Post  aidenbrashier Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:38 am

After a long, hard year of music and determination, I want to give a shout out to the girls of Treble Choir. We have worked so hard this year in getting things ready for performance, especially during the time when we were learning our own music for Talent Expo while also occupied with the Mozart Requiem. It's hard to beleive that this year is coming to a close. It's even harder to imagine that I'm going to be a senior next year. But the younger girls in Treble Choir are forces to be reckoned with. All of them of so much talent and enthusiasm that will highly benefit the chorus program after we leave. I'm excited to see how we progress as a chorus in the challenge of a new director next year, and though we will miss Mr. Young, I think that this experience will strengthen our bonds as a chorus. I'm proud of everybody and our progress and I look forward to one more excellent year!


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-10-18

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