Hingham High School Chorus
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The Influences

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The Influences Empty The Influences

Post  LBickford Sun May 12, 2013 9:44 pm

As the year comes to a close and we say goodbye to our memories of chorus and for others, memories of high school, there’s still a silver lining through these sad goodbyes we say to the seniors and Mr. Young. Although I have only joined chorus for one year, Mr. Young has influenced me through his direction and perspective not only on musical appreciation and education, but life’s elegance and delicate gift to the world. Through the course of this year, Mr. Young has personally touched me with his words and emotional influence through his direction and passion of choral music. Each semester we would be given a new piece to sing, Mr. Young somehow magically shaped my shaky, feeble into a whimsical tune. I’m not saying that I sound amazing, but whatever Mr. Young possesses within his own mind and ways, he is able to bring his own personal touch and gift to a crowd of teenage girls, and through his unique guidance, he is able to help us find the best in ourselves as a singer. Entering room 197, I hid under a shadow of fear due to the thought of others hearing my voice, but through time, I realized that I had changed as a musician. As I learned and absorbed more and more of music and its purpose, I began to understand my own personal music better. By learning how musicians need to have an emotional drive and perfect pitch, I began to pick up on these elements through my own playlists. However, I would've never been able to identify these factors on my own without the guidance of room 197 and Mr. Young. Overall, room 197 and Mr. Young as a whole, have left imprints on me through the musical wonder they bring through their essence and self-being, along with the feeling of acceptance and virtue, so thank you room 197, chorus members, and Mr. Young for acceptation and guidance you have willing fully given me to become a better musician.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-04

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