Hingham High School Chorus
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rain breedlove

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rain breedlove Empty rain breedlove

Post  rbreedlove Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:26 pm

Playing an instrument and singing are very different but are also alike. Playing an instrument takes a lot of concentration, the same applies to singing. With playing an instrument many worry of not playing the right notes during a performance and if it occurs the audience sometimes does not notice. While singing, if singers sing in the wrong key or does not sing the right words, the audience can immediately notice. When studying music, instrument players and singers both learn to read notes. The only difference is that the singers sing and the instrument players play their instrument. Although they are different they both have challenges of learning and require dedication.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2011-10-05

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rain breedlove Empty Holly Hancock

Post  hollyhancock15 Mon May 07, 2012 9:06 pm

I recently had to play my guitar for a small audience at the South Shore Conservatory. If I compare this experience to my performances in chorus, I notice several differences. One difference between the two is that when performing with my guitar, there is often room for improvising. If I make a mistake while playing the guitar, I can easily cover it up with other notes and chords. However, if I make a mistake while singing it not only effects me, but also the chorus as a whole. It could even potentially change the rest of the song by putting the piece of music out of tune and throwing off the other singers. Another glaring differences between the two types of performances is the level of comfort that comes with performing solos. I have found through experience that I am much more nervous when I have to stand in front of my peers and sing, than when I have to perform a song on my guitar. It is easy for me to hide behind my guitar and my guitar helps to distract me from the audience. When I am singing, I feel more vulnerable because all the audience sees is me. It is for these reasons that I think singing in the chorus is more challenging than playing an instrument.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-11-02

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