Hingham High School Chorus
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Chorus's First Pasta Party!!!!

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Chorus's First Pasta Party!!!! Empty Chorus's First Pasta Party!!!!

Post  Sabrina Clarke Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:37 pm

I thoroughly believe that this Pasta Party is a great idea for our chorus. In a way, we are like a sports team. We spend a copious amount of time together rehearsing to achieve one goal. Instead, for us, the goal would be an amazing performance. Throughout the past few years, there has been the feeling that we are not a complete family or a complete team. That is why we NEED to have social activities in chorus. Because there are two choruses, we do not get to interact with all members of our chorus family. By having events such as the chorus Pasta Party, we are all together celebrating the days before our first concert of the year! I think that this will also be a fabulous bonding activity for all of the mentors/mentos who did not go apple picking or do not know each other well! I definitely think that this should become a tradition. I mean, why couldn't it be? Not only do you get to go to a party with a lot of food. You also get to go to a party where all of your friends are. We could have one before every concert which would not only excite us for the concert, but it would keep bringing us closer and closer together. I cannot wait for Sunday! I am super excited. It will be an amazing time and I hope everyone can go!

Sabrina Clarke

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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Chorus's First Pasta Party!!!! Empty Pasta Party: SUCCESS!

Post  jennalee9896 Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:23 pm

I feel that the Pasta Party was a huge success! Social events like this are great ways to bond with everybody (especially people not in your chorus). After coming to this party, I think I got to know everyone a little better, and hopefully other people felt that way, too. Our chorus should be like any of the sports teams we have at the high school because we all spend alot of time together and we work just as hard as the athletes, only for different reasons. They want to win a game, we want to put on amazing concerts. Having parties like this can help enforce that "family" feel, and bring all of us closer. We should definitely have more pre-concert pasta parties, and have other social gatherings as well. I also learned alot from the upperclassmen in Mixed Chorus about what to expect in the coming year in chorus. They were all happy to answer people's questions, and they were all really nice. I had a great time at the party, and I hope we will have another one!


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-22

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Chorus's First Pasta Party!!!! Empty Re: Chorus's First Pasta Party!!!!

Post  Meghan Cashel Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:57 pm

Like some of the other people who posted, I think the pasta party was a huge success! I really enjoyed getting to know some of the underclassman better, and it was so fun to see the entire chorus together outside of rehearsal! I think that pasta parties and chorus events are really important to help bond the chorus. At this last chorus party, I feel like I gained a closer connection to a lot of people who attended the party, and I had a really fun time in the process! I think that us all becoming closer and better friends makes it easier to support each other and hope for each other’s success. I really think that the pasta party helped bond us, and I am so happy to know some of the freshman on a more personal level now! I am so happy that I went, and I hope that we have more in the future. Chorus is so much more than just a class; we really have become so close and connected to each other. Rarely do you find that in a classroom setting.

Meghan Cashel

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-29

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