Hingham High School Chorus
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Mozart Requiem

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Mozart Requiem  Empty Mozart Requiem

Post  Eliza Daniels Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:34 am

While technically I am not sure if this is considered a musical event outside of Hingham High, I wanted to discuss the Requiem on a forum.
First off, I think that it was a terrific idea to combine many local choirs and come together to sing a moving piece, and I am very thankful our director allowed us to be a part of this. I think that this experience will be especially meaningful to those who rarely participate in the chorus program outside of class, through festivals such as Districts or Semsba, because they can truly get a feel for what those events are like. I also believe that this is a great opportunity to prove to ourselves how much we have improved as musicians over the years. I know personally sight singing had always been a giant, difficult to overcome. Now that I have become rather familiar with the music, sight singing has become significantly easier for me, and I realized this during the first rehearsal. While I did not nail all the notes, I felt that I had the ability to be a confident singer within the alto section. While I think that some members of our chorus understand how truly special and rare this opportunity is, I wish that more would embrace this event and realize its potential to be one of the highlights of our high school career. After practicing this music over the vacation, I have come to truly enjoy the music, and appreciate its beauty. I think that if we all indulge ourselves within Mozart's work a little bit more, the rehearsal process leading up to the concert will be more enjoyable and worthwhile as a whole.

Eliza Daniels

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-04

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