Hingham High School Chorus
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I'm so pumped.

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I'm so pumped.  Empty I'm so pumped.

Post  aidenbrashier Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:03 pm

I can't even express in words how excited I am for the Chicago trip. Chicago is one of the few cities that I've never been to and I've always dreamed of going there. Although it's a shame that we aren't going to be able to perform, I think that hanging out with band and orchestra and other chorus members will be a great opportunity for all parts of the Music Department to bond. I think this is important because all of us need to start growing closer so that the trips we make together will become more popular, and create more of a fellowship between us. I believe that it was a really good idea to just bring the few chorus kids that signed up for Chicago regardless of number because we can come back telling everyone how fun it was.


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-10-18

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I'm so pumped.  Empty Also pumped.

Post  Julia Genovese Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:00 pm

I am on the exact same page as Aidan. I have never been on a plane so just the trip to Chicago is going to be an exciting experience. I hope that this trip will be a success and all people attending will come back with many stories to tell so everyone who did not come will go on trips in the future. I agree that it is a shame that we will not be performing because it would have been amazing to sing in such a beautiful city with the chorus. I’m hoping despite the fact that not everyone is going a sense of family will be achieved and we can spread that throughout both choruses. School trip are tremendously important for any student to experience because I can image how different it is than going on a trip with family. I’m sure the memories made on this trip will stay with me forever and I will encourage my children to go on school trips. I am so excited for everything on the agenda and can’t wait to share this experience with fellow chorus members. I always say you only live once so experience as much joy and happiness that you can. Life is too short waste and no one should watch it slip by as others live their lives. Words can’t describe my anticipation for this trip and I know I will never forget it.

Julia Genovese

Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-10-04
Age : 28

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I'm so pumped.  Empty CHICAGO!!!

Post  Kalli Jermyn Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:41 pm

I completely agree. I’m so excited for Chicago it’s not even funny. I’ve never been there and I’ve always wanted to go. Originally I was going to apply to colleges there but I ended up shying away from that. I honestly wish I had picked schools out there though. Anyways, back to going for chorus; I think this was a great trip to go on. Even though we’re not performing I’m really glad we’re going. It seems like it’s going to be really fun. The pictures Mr. Young showed us looked awesome and I was like “Oh my God can we leave like tomorrow?!” But not really because it’s way too cold. I really think it’s going to help those of us who are going bond. I know that Meredith, Amanda, and I are rooming with a freshmen, Abby Warren. This will be such a great experience to better relationships with those in chorus and even those in the band and orchestra. I’ve never been on a music trip so this will be so great to be with kids I’ve never hung out with before sharing the awesome experience. I think it’s going to be a great music family event and I’m sad that not more of us are going. I’m counting down the days. Exclamation

Kalli Jermyn

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-21

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