Hingham High School Chorus
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The Dreamaker of Dreams

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The Dreamaker of Dreams  Empty The Dreamaker of Dreams

Post  LBickford Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:48 am

When I think back to when I was little, I always think of Walt Disney. Walt Disney, who has created a magical place for people all around the world, has succeeded to this day, to fulfill the dreamers of the world with hope and encouragement to reach for the stars and follow your heart. He has had such an impact on all generations of the American culture and I am so blessed and thankful to have such an amazing man create a world of magic. As we sing the pieces for the Spring Concert, I feel so grateful and honored to be able to sing his work, his production, his whimsical, touching and beautiful lyrics through our chorus program. He believed in all his ideas with self-confidence and spirit. He loved his job with body and soul! Oh, how I can’t wait for when our Spring Concert premieres! Hopefully our chorus will be able to illuminate the magic and beauty of Walt Disney’s creations as he did for us as little kids. As long as we believe...


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-04

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