Hingham High School Chorus
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The X Factor

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The X Factor Empty The X Factor

Post  Alison McDermott Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:14 pm

Over the summer I was lucky enough to be a member during the X Factor auditions in Rhode Island. While there were definitely some bad auditions, I was surprised with the talent I saw. There were two girls who stood out in particular for me. The two girls sang with such passion and emotion that I wanted to cry with them. I could feel their pain and sorrow. It sounds strange but their ability to portray their sadness made it more enjoyable for me. To relate this to chorus class right now, I think that we need to have more emotion. When we sing, we are telling a story with music and words, but on more than one occasion I have noticed that we don't portray the story with our facial expressions. For our Major Works concert, our performance is going to be really important and the best way to captivate the audience is by expressing the emotion and feelings behind the song.

Alison McDermott

Alison McDermott

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-21

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