Hingham High School Chorus
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Fundraising 2012-2013

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Fundraising 2012-2013 Empty Fundraising 2012-2013

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:21 pm

I must admit, it feels nice to be back. Back at school, back at sports but more importantly back to chorus. I am happy to be singing again and to be seeing the familiar faces again. This year, for me partially, is important for fundraising. This year is the when the entire chorus goes to Disney World. I have already decided that I am going to Disney whether or not I pay every penny or fundraise my way there.
Every year we have our usual fundraising events: ads and donation, coffee sale, homecoming and now a car wash. I have every intention to not only participate in these events but hopefully make the best of these opportunities. I have been saving up the past three years for a trip and hopefully this year it will pay off! (Literally…ha).
Some new ideas I have to fundraise include canning, bake sales or possible a raffle. Maybe we could organize a raffle, one could win a free ticket to our concert? Or a raffle to “own” a spot at close for a week? I would buy in for that! Also I know that hockey does a calendar with all of our games. Maybe we could do something similar! Well for now I will just keep brainstorming!

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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