Hingham High School Chorus
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Singer Songwriter

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Singer Songwriter Empty Singer Songwriter

Post  Eliza Daniels Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:16 pm

On Wednesday night, my friend convinced me to attend the Singer Songwriter concert. While originally, I was planning to perform, I was unable due to my lack of voice from cheering on my crew team over the weekend. Stressed with school work, I was reluctant to go, but I am now so happy that I did. First to perfrom was Claire Maesto (an eight grader). I am close friends with her sister Julia, and whenever I am over her house, I always hear Claire practicing a new song on the piano, however, I never truly stopped to listen to her music. At his concert, she performed two pieces (one with her sister's accompamient) and I was astonished by her sound. (Truthfully) I was excpecting the classic thin head voice that is so commonly heard amongst younger female singers. Not Claire. She started playing piano and just belted away. Her soulful and large sound was captivating and expressive. I sat completely entranced throughout her two songs, and wondered how a girl of her age and stature was able to create such an enormous and great sound. After Claire came a few performers who were impressive and thier lyrics were meaningful. Then came the biggest surprise of the night. Mr. Cincotta introduced Noah Sneath to the stage, who walked up carrying a banjo. In 8th grade I remember acting in Willy Wonka with Noah, and I also remember being astonished by his warm bass sound. On Wednesday night, I was reminded of how talented his singing voice truly is. Not only was his song beautifully written, and his vocals close to perfect, but his banjo playing was equally as impressive. Other performers included Will Kay with two moving pieces, and Mr. Cincotta who never ceases to impress me with his musical capabilities. Overall, what began as a reluctant decision to watch this concert transformed into a humbling opportunity to admire my peers who have such talent. Thank you to all who performed.

Eliza Daniels

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-04

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