Hingham High School Chorus
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Drawing People In

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Drawing People In Empty Drawing People In

Post  SophieStokerLong Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:01 pm

I know that some of us may not be fond of the idea of giving away stuco points in exchange for our peers attendance at our concerts, as I certainly did not like the idea at first. However, we did it this year for the Talent Expo and now I don't think it was half bad. It is definitely a gimmick to draw people in, but I also think that many of the students who initially came to the school on a Thursday night to stay on the Student Council left glad that they had taken the opportunity to come and hear their classmates sing. I think that in many cases, people who have not been exposed to our chorus do not realize what a talented group of kids we have and are unaware of what a good sound we make in concert. Yes, perhaps the incentive of a stuco point gave them that extra push to come, but now they have been exposed to what chorus is all about. We can hope that the people who came for that stuco point remember that concert nicely and that they come back next time, their incentive now being to hear our music and enjoy themselves as they did the last time.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-10-28

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