Hingham High School Chorus
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After the Concert thoughts :)

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After the Concert thoughts :) Empty After the Concert thoughts :)

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:25 pm

I loved performing and being a part of the broadway talent expo VII. I am always very excited about talent expo, in general, but this one seems especially unique. Unlike some people, I am not a huge broadway fan! I do still enjoy it though but do not know a lot of broadway songs. I enjoyed listening to the songs in the concert! There was a great blend of newer and old music in the concert as well!! I liked this because we saw many different types of broadway songs.
Leading up to the concert I thought that we were not as prepared as usual, due to the new warm up style. Once on stage, with a few run -thoughts under our belt, I felt confident in our performance ability that night. As usual, one can always improve but I felt that we sounded great! Everyone that I talked to said we sounded amazing and they were very impressed Smile
Every year the special acts are always impressive and surprising! As we have stated in class- each special act this year was exceptional. The confidence and poise each singers presented was incredible. Although I am not related to any of the performs (except Maddie and jack..) I am so proud to be in a chorus with these people! It is one things to hear them in class but to perform in front of a huge audience is something to be proud of! I am truly blessed to sing with such talented musicians and singers every day Smile bravo

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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