Hingham High School Chorus
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"Awkward" On Stage

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"Awkward" On Stage Empty "Awkward" On Stage

Post  ChrisMcDonald Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:06 pm

I enjoy singing in a chorus. It makes think that when I sing that, not to brag, "pretty good". When I'm alone and I sing, I once again think I sing "pretty good". But when i'm singing alone in front of people, I feel like the worst singer in the world and no one wants to hear me sing. So I guess there is that middle ground of being alone in front of people that is nerve racking and scary, but also independent and awesome. That is because you are nervous of how people think of you and how you think of yourself. But at the same time there is a little spark inside of you when you sing that makes you feel like Frank Sinatra or Ethel Mermin. So to wrap things up, if we lower our expectations of the audience and how we praise our singing, and raise our confidence and optimism, then nothing will stand in our way.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-15

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