Hingham High School Chorus
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Playing Along

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Playing Along  Empty Playing Along

Post  Grace Doyle Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:26 pm

Besides singing I play the piano and guitar. Although I am very good at both I taught myself how to play both instruments. I have found this as a disadvantage because I do everything I know by ear and not by sight. This has made it challenging to be handed a piece of music and being told to read it. Sight singing in chorus has really helped develop as an overall better musician. Before when i’m singing I loved to accompany myself on the piano. The piano is such a beautiful instrument and sounds so pretty, especially when lyrics are sung with it. I like to play the guitar but I like the guitar on its own better with singing thrown in the mix. My feelings are the same but now that I understand and appreciate the ability to read music now I love playing both instruments when I sing a song. When I want to sing I sometimes before hand record myself playing the song on the piano then the guitar. Once I finish that I then sing along. I think that accompanying yourself is beneficial because it helps you grow as a musician and you can learn how things in music all mesh together.

Grace Doyle

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-24

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