Hingham High School Chorus
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What'll I Do?

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What'll I Do? Empty What'll I Do?

Post  EmmaGivney Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:06 am

Choral Spectrum is doing a piece in Talent Expo called What'll I Do? When I first heard it, I was sort of indifferent to it. However, since the first time we sang it, it has been stuck in my head. The tune is really lilting and transfixing. Being so fascinated I went forth and looked up all different versions of it, finding work by Frank Sinatra and Nat Cole. The melody is simple, but I think that adds to the elegance of the piece. Already, it has tons of play counts on my iPod, because each time I hear it, I find something new to appreciate about it. I think that this reflects almost all of the music we're doing for Talent Expo. A lot of it sounds simple at first, but then ends up being more beautiful than we imagined. I really think that listening to the music and reading up on it outside of class will enrich the process of making it ourselves. I'll probably do what I have done for What'll I Do? with all the music, and see if I don't come to love the selections that may seem boring or trivial at first glance.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-10-07

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