Hingham High School Chorus
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Festivals! Empty Festivals!

Post  Abby.Warren Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:56 pm

Ever since I was around 4 years old, i've loved to sing. when I was 5 my mom put me in a singing class at the conservatory, and at the concert, everyone in the class had to sing a solo song. I was really nervous and I almost didn't go up on stage. Finally, I realized it wouldn't hurt to try. I sang "somewhere over the rainbow," and I can still remember when I finished I stared out into the audience and saw they're smiling faces and clapping hands. That day, I realized I loved to perform. When I was in 6th grade, I didn't do chorus because I was in band but all of my friends said it was so much fun! So, in 7th grade I dropped the flute and joined chorus. Also that year, I joined choral spectrum at the middle school and Mrs. Gonick asked me to audition for jr. districts and SEMSBA. I had heard from older friends that it was really fun and worth it, so I decided to audition. I was really nervous when I walked in because it was just me and 1 judge, and I was afraid I was going to mess up. I thought I blew the audition and was really sad, until mrs. Gonick told me I had made it! The festival was a really great experience. I learned a lot about music and it was really cool because everyone there loved to do what I love. I thought it would be really boring singing for 8 hours but the time went by really fast and it was so much fun! I participated in jr. districts and SEMSBA in 8th grade also, and I plan to audition for Sr. SEMSBA this year. It's a blast and I can't wait!


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-11-01

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Festivals! Empty <3 Festivals

Post  Kalli Jermyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:56 pm

Unlike Abby, I had never heard about Festivals during middle school. All I knew was what Mrs. Gonick had told me about them. The first time she asked me I thought I’d give it a try. After the first Jr. Districts festival I came realize how much I loved being at the festival. I got to hear other vocalists from around the area and I got to learn from a completely new director. All of this happened while at the same time trying to learn fairly difficult music for my level all in a matter of an 8 hour rehearsal. The whole experience was so exhilarating to me. From then on I knew I wanted to go to every festival I could throughout my middle and high school experience. Unfortunately, the transition from Jr. to Sr. Districts was a little rough for me and I didn’t make it my sophomore year. Then I was unable to go my Junior year. But this year I was determined to get in. I’m really happy that I worked hard and got in. The entire experience was worth it. It’s really hard to explain until you experience it for yourself. Which brings me to my next point; I wish people would go to festivals. I realize that sometimes there are issues with conflicts but the people who are too scared to go just because they hate auditioning or don’t think they’re good enough should really give it a chance. The entire experience is rewarding whether you get in or not. I think it benefits us as musicians to receive an opinion on our audition outside of Mr. Young or any other teachers we see. It could help all of us and I really think if more people went the better and more enthusiastic the chorus might be. cheers

Kalli Jermyn

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-09-21

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